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Events you can send to us

Socket events

You send events using window.DT.productGuide.emit(EVENT_TYPE, DATA).

These are the events:

/* -- This is used to initiate the product guide, productGuideId is the id of the guide and lang is the preferred language -- */
window.DT.initProductGuide('productGuideId', { lang: 'en' });

/* -- Options is a array of uuids of the buttons that where pressed. -- */
window.DT.productGuide.emit('options', { options: ['uuid'] });

/* -- Inputs is a array of objects that contain the id and value from the input. -- */
window.DT.productGuide.emit('user_input', { inputs: [{ id: 'uuid', input: 'Some value' }] });

/* -- This is used when loading in more products, from is the amount you have now, to is the previous amount + the amount you want to fetch. -- */
window.DT.productGuide.emit('products', { from: 3, to: 6 });

/* -- From is the uuid of the step you want to skip from -- */
window.DT.productGuide.emit('skip', { from: 'uuid' });

/* -- To is the uuid of the step you want to undo to -- */
window.DT.productGuide.emit('undo', { to: 'uuid' });

/* -- Used to restart the guide. -- */

These events will send a response back, you can see them here.

  • The only one that will send product_guide_products is products.

Other events

We also have some other events that can be used to see data in our dashboard. These are the types:

type EventType = 'add_to_cart' | 'purchase' | 'product_click';
type Item = {
  id: string;
  quantity?: number;
  value: number | string;
type Event<T extends EventType = EventType> = {
  type: T;
  ext?: string
} & (T extends 'product_click'
  ? {
      type: 'product_click';
      productId: string;
      position?: number;
      stepId: string;
  : T extends 'add_to_cart'
  ? {
      type: 'add_to_cart';
      items: Item | Item[];
      currency: string;
  : T extends 'purchase'
  ? {
      type: 'purchase';
      items: Item[];
      currency: string;
  : never);

Call them using window.DT.event(EventType, Event<EventType>).